Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Had a call this morning saying that there was a Little Crake at Exminster Marsh. So i shot down there but the little bugger was playing hard to get. I had to be home for something so I left a bit gutted. However I gt a text saying that it was showing again so off I go again and this time, after a little wait it showed twice but then hide in the undergrowth.

I don't usually twitch birds, I enjoy watching even common ones but this is a mega rare, only the second for Devon so I had too. However I didn't like the ' I can't see it so I'll try and get close to it' mentality, it just doesn't seem right, that's not why I bird. Yes I did go for the bird but I was willing to give it space, I only take photos if I can and wont disturb the subject so hence there is no photo of this bird (yet!)

That's me off my soapbox. If your coming down for the bird, welcome and enjoy but please remember it is a fragile eco system and don't do just about anything for a great shot.

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