Friday, February 2, 2007

Well it seem to be getting lighter earlier this time of year, when Iwoke up at 0700 the sky was just waking up. I drove to the warren and walked down through the car park which I don't normally do, I would usually go to Langstone. When I got to the entrance of the reserve a number of Long Tailed Tits were feeding on bugs on one of the signs, it was nice to watch. In the trees a Song Thrush was singing it heart out but no-one replied.

As I walked to the main pond a Greater Spotted Woodpecker called and flew passed me, this is not a common bird at the warren so it was nice to see. On the pond 4 Canada geese were noisily sitting on the water. It was lovely and sunny and I thought something (Firecrest) might be in the trees around the pond but again nothing. From the back of the pond I looked over the railway salt marsh and counted 82 Redshank and there was also lots of gulls but they were on the water so I was unable to id any med gulls:(

I knew that a Cetti's Warbler around Greenland lake, as I heard one on Sunday. At last it showed:) I carried on walking towards the rune ridge to see the bight and the sea. I didn't get any time to look at the sea because there was so many birds in the bight. Icounted 54 ringed plovers, 300+ Grey Plover and 1000+ Dunlin. I also found an Avocet in the bight, see photo. There was also a Whimbrel feeding, my first for the year, with Blackwits.

I had a quick look on the beach and found a oiled Blackhead, cleaning itself. the poor thing probably won't make it. I learnt that once ingestested it will burn from the inside out. As I faced out to sea, one of the coastguards spotter planes flew over very low, trying to see the pollution from the Napoli. In the marrum grass Skylarks were calling and flying up into the air, hoovering and singing. If there is any bird that reminds me on summer days, it's this one:)

Well I had to get to work so I walked back along by the dune pond and heard a call that I know and love, a male Stonchat was sat on a gorse bush trying to guide me toward it and away from his old lady. I watched for a minute or 2 and got my scope on him( pretty bird). They both flew off but something else was in the bush......... a Dartford warbler (yes). I didn't get one on site last year so this was a bonus.

Well as you can guess I was very happy and left site with a grin on my face.

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