Sunday, February 24, 2008


I heard the news of the yellow browed warbler and as I only live 5 mins away, made this my first stop before work. I had a walk arond the pottery pond, saw goldies, blackcap but no YBW. Disheartened (again) I made my way to the passage house.

The first bird was a singing reed bunting. I checked the gull just common, gbbg,lbbg,bhg around. I also watched a dabchick feeding.

So afterwork I thought I'd sneak in the YBW so back to pottery pond. Well I'm blowed I meet another birder who hasn't seen it and as we walk around to the small copse there it is, very mobile and quiet as you like. Cracking bird. Alot better views of this one than the one at countess wier last year.

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