Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Align Centre

Early start at the warren this morning was very cold. From the sea wall there was a lack of birds. I walked through 1st pond where a Willow Warbler and a Chiff were trying to out do each other sing. If there's any bird that reminds me of spring it the Willow Warb.
Met up with a friend and walked to the warren point and there was a Wheatear on the sign there. On the estuary side of the warren were 7 Turnstone, 4 Dunlin and a single Sanderling and Sarnie Tern(missed the Gropper though).
Walked back down to the top of the golf course and found 2male and a female Sand Lizard. Watch possibly the worst golfer in the world, I thought at one point that I would challenged him to a round, he could use his sticks and I would throw the ball! When the 6 hole was free I was challenged to throw a ball closest to the hole, I won.
God know what we missed while we were playing but 4 Swallows passed through.
I had to be back home and on the way passed the main pond a Reed Warbler was singing it's head off.

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