I had a couple of hours to spare this afternoon so I went to BGM. As I walked down towards the hide I could hear the Teal whistling and saw some Wigeon feeding around the pools, 7 Brent Geese flew over the site too.
There was alot of common stuff there, Lapwing, Blackwits, Canada G's, Shovelers and the beautiful Pintail. I the walked towards the VP.
On the walk I was mesmerized by the Redwings that were feeding on the Hawthorn berries. In the field next to the VP 50+ Brents were socializing, I had never seen this many Brents at this site before.
By the gate to the VP was a Goldcrest, which I had to stop and check out. At the VP, Grey Plover, Redshank, Avocets, Curlew and 150+ Dunlin were all busy feeding on the rising tide.
The walk back produces a Fieldfare calling from a dead tree.
I had to put this in, I love the sound. Did you know that Swan means noise, thought to be from the wings, so these are no noise!